.. speechmatics-python documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Dec 4 12:51:49 2019. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. speechmatics-python =================== speechmatics-python provides API wrapper and CLI to access the Speechmatics Realtime and Batch API v2. Example library usage --------------------- The example below illustrates a waveform audio file being opened and transcribed with Realtime. :: import speechmatics LANGUAGE = "en" AUDIO_FILE_PATH = "/path/to/file" CONNECTION_URL = f"wss://eu2.rt.speechmatics.com/v2/{LANGUAGE}" AUTH_TOKEN = "add token here" # Create a transcription client ws = speechmatics.client.WebsocketClient( speechmatics.models.ConnectionSettings( url=CONNECTION_URL, auth_token=AUTH_TOKEN, ) ) # Define an event handler to print the partial transcript def print_partial_transcript(msg): print(f"(PART) {msg['metadata']['transcript']}") # Define an event handler to print the full transcript def print_transcript(msg): print(f"(FULL) {msg['metadata']['transcript']}") # Register the event handler for partial transcript ws.add_event_handler( event_name=speechmatics.models.ServerMessageType.AddPartialTranscript, event_handler=print_partial_transcript, ) # Register the event handler for full transcript ws.add_event_handler( event_name=speechmatics.models.ServerMessageType.AddTranscript, event_handler=print_transcript, ) settings = speechmatics.models.AudioSettings() # Define transcription parameters conf = speechmatics.models.TranscriptionConfig( language=LANGUAGE, enable_partials=True, ) with open("example.wav", 'rb') as file: ws.run_synchronously(file, conf, settings) Command-line usage ------------------ Please see the `GitHub readme `_. Reference --------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 client batch_client exceptions helpers models constants cli_parser Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`